Entries by sccaor

Broker Tip: Make Your Home Stand Out to Buyers — 10 Tips to Prep Your Home for Sale

By Doug Evans Even though selling a home can be a stressful undertaking, why not give it every chance to “wow” potential buyers?  Securing the right offer is not always easy, but here are 10 tips to impress potential buyers and maximize the possibility of obtaining the best price:      Focus on Curb Appeal: When you […]

Open House Theft Alert + Safety Tips for REALTORS®

There have been several recently reported thefts that have occurred during open houses in Santa Clara County. Individuals have been attending open houses and signing in with a fake name, phone number, and address. They are commonly targeting two story houses so they have a better chance of creating separation between themselves and the REALTOR®. Common […]

SCCAOR General Membership Meeting Recap (June 2, 2017)

The SCCAOR General Membership Meeting was on June 2nd, 2017 and featured a panel on how to develop Accessory Dwelling Units in San Jose. The panel was moderated by San Jose’s Planning Director Steve McHarris. The group discussed the opportunities presented by the new state law as well as the challenges that still exist in developing […]

SCCAOR Members Attend Annual NAR Legislative meetings in Washington D.C.

On behalf of current and future home and property owners throughout the country, SCCAOR members attended the National Association of REALTORS® Annual Legislative meetings in Washington D.C. They were joined by more than 9,600 REALTORS® from across the country with the aim to advance key real estate issues during the 2017 REALTOR® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo. […]

The SCCAOR Minute 05.15.2017

Links from this SCCAOR Minute Click here to register for the General Membership Meeting  Click here to register for the Golf Tournament

SCCAOR Members Attend 2017 Legislative Day in Sacramento

The Santa Clara County Association of REALTORS® once again made a strong showing in Sacramento this year during C.A.R.’s Legislative Day on May 3rd. With over 60 local members in attendance joining over 2,500 REALTOR® members from across the state. Those in attendance heard from Governor Jerry Brown on how REALTORS® are critical to not […]