How to File for Arbitration
When a monetary dispute arises between REALTOR® members and is brought before the association, arbitration is mandatory, but the parties may choose whether to try mediation first.
Final Decision
In an arbitration hearing, the decision handed down by the Arbitration Panel is final and binding by law, as well as by the bylaws of the Association. The failure of a party to abide by the arbitration decision can be enforced by the court.
Arbitration Complaint Forms – REALTOR® VS. REALTOR®
Arbitration Complaint Forms – Public VS. REALTOR®
about SCCAOR
The Santa Clara County Association of REALTORS® (SCCAOR) exists to meet the business, professional and political needs of its members and to promote and protect private property rights.
With an association membership of approximately 6,000 REALTORS® and 400 Affiliates, SCCAOR offers leadership, educational, political and networking opportunities.
San Jose Office
1651 North First Street San Jose, CA 95112
Phone – 408-445-8500
Open Monday – Friday
8:30am – 5:00pm
Gilroy Service Center
7901 Westwood Drive Unit J Gilroy, CA, 95020
Phone – (408) 445-8500
Open Wednesday – Friday
8:30am – 5:00pm
Para asistencia en Español – 408-445-5074
國語, 臺語 – 408-445-5077
C.A.R. Legal Hotline – 213-739-8282