Broker Tip: How to Stay Connected with Clients

By Bonnie Wilson
Stopping by to say “hello” to our clients is the most important thing you can do to stay connected. Sometimes it can be a little awkward if you haven’t been in touch for a while. Here are a couple of steps I do to make the situation less stressful and more fun.
Always call or email ahead of time and say something like, “Hey, if you’re not too busy I’d like to stop by for a couple of minutes on Saturday morning. I have something I’d like to share with you.” Most people are home on Saturday morning and busy around the house or yard to its usually a good time.
Once I know that a few people are going to be home, I plan my route. Make sure to allow enough time for travel and to chat and catch up with each client.Then I assemble the “little something.”
Here are some of my suggestions:
- My favorite is giving daffodils in the Spring. This is a great option because the American Cancer Society sponsors “Daffodil Days.” You order bunches for $10 each and it is a donation to the American Cancer Society which is a great way to start a conversation. Giving daffodils or another Spring time flower is always a hit and small bunches are usually not expensive. I have found great flowers at Safeway and they will help you make them look pretty.
- Another gift idea is fresh strawberries, tied with a bow and your card. Be sure people are home for this one!
- Small bags of jelly beans are good anytime. Around Easter, a bag of small chocolate eggs from See’s Candies is always a hit.
- You can also give a pretty card with a note that says you have recently made a donation to your favorite charity in their name. If you aren’t sure which charity to pick, consider the Santa Clara County REALTORS® Foundation, which continually helps so many of those in need in our communities.
- For families with little children, I will sometimes buy little Mattel toy cars & trucks for the boys and My Pony or Hello Kitty for the girls. It doesn’t have to be a large toy. If the family has kids, be sure you know their names!
- Everyone (meaning real estate agents who are never shy except when they have to knock on a door) feels better when they come with a little something. Stopping by is the most important part. Just say “I was thinking about you the other day…”
Remember: Don’t just drop things off! But if you must drop it off, be sure and call and ask if they enjoyed your daffodils, etc. otherwise, in my opinion, it is a wasted effort. Lastly, follow up with a call, saying how much you enjoyed catching up. People remember that you took time from your day to remember them—sometimes for years. Now get out there and just do it!