Please complete and submit this application by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 31, 2024. Click the expandable boxes below to learn more details and eligibility requirements for each role. 

Description and Eligibility Requirements for Each Role

The President-Elect assumes the responsibilities of the President in his or her absence. Additionally, the President-Elect assists the President in carrying out the functions of that office and performs specific duties delegated by the President. The President-Elect also serves on SCCAOR’s Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and other committees assigned by the President. At the end of his or her term, the individual automatically becomes President.

Eligibility: To be eligible to serve as President-Elect, an individual must be a member in good standing with the Association at the time of their nomination and must have served as a member of the Board of Directors prior to the commencement of the term of office for which nominated. Additionally, they must have participated in a SCCAOR Committee or led a work group/task force.

The Vice President assumes the responsibilities of the President and President-Elect in their absence. He or she also assists the President in carrying out the functions of that office and performs specific duties delegated by the President. Additionally, the Vice President serves on the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and Foundation member-at-large.

Eligibility: To be eligible to serve as Vice President, an individual must be a member in good standing with the Association at the time of their nomination.  Must have served as a Director prior to the commencement of the term of office for which nominated.

The Secretary/Treasurer ensures that records are maintained of all Association, Board, and Executive Committee meetings. He or she also ensures the integrity of the fiscal affairs of the Association. Additionally, this individual serves on SCCAOR’s Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Finance Committee and Investment Subcommittee.

The Secretary/Treasurer chairs the Finance Committee, ensuring the integrity of the Association’s fiscal affairs. Additionally, this individual serves on SCCAOR’s Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, and Investment Subcommittee.

Eligibility: To be eligible to serve as Secretary/Treasurer, an individual must be a member in good standing with the Association at the time of their nomination.  Must have served as a Director prior to the commencement of the term of office for which nominated.

The role of the Board of Directors is to set policies and ensure the board fulfills its legal and professional responsibilities to the Association. Directors approve the annual financial plan for Association operations. They create a budget, approve new policies as required and are aware of the goals and objectives established by the Association President. They also keep abreast of all Association activities, to aid the President and other elected officers in accomplishing plans and goals. Additionally, they attend all board meetings and special meetings and communicate pertinent information to members and obtain feedback from members.

Eligibility: To be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors, an individual must be a member in good standing with the Association at the time of their nomination. No member may serve more than two successive three-year terms as Director.

A person nominated for an Officer or Director position on the Board of Directors shall meet the following minimum eligibility and requirements.

  1. Possess a current California Broker or Sales Person real estate license or appraisal certification.
  2. Must be a REALTOR® member in good standing, whose financial obligations to SCCAOR are paid in full and whose dues are current.
  3. Must make a commitment to come prepare and participate at all Board of Directors meetings.
  4. Be of a sound professional character conducting business in compliance with C.A.R. and NAR Code of Ethics, and the California Department of Real Estate.
  5. Any candidate who has been found in violation of the Code of Ethics on two or more occasions within the past two-years where the discipline of a fine, suspension, or expulsion was included as part or all the discipline is not eligible to run for office

Election of Officers and Directors shall be selected by a Nominating Committee appointed by the Board of Directors.

Application submission is closed.

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