Who qualifies for an award? SCCAOR members are automatically considered for the REAL Awards based on MLSListings data. To be recognized, an agent must meet either the units or sales volume requirements based on sales that closed in 2024. The agent must also be a member in good standing with the National Association of REALTORS® and SCCAOR.
- Awards are based on either sales volume or units sold, including listings or sales units entered into the MLSListings and closed in 2024, whichever is greater. This is not a perfect system. Listings entered into other MLS systems that share data with MLSListings may be included if proof of the transactions is provided.
- New home construction listings
- Off Market Sales
- Mobile Homes
- The sales data will not reflect co-agent production if co-agents support an agent.
- Only the lead agent is recognized. There is an option for a team award instead of an individual award. Should the agent whose name appears on the transactions so choose. If interested, please email events@sccaor.com
- Production credit was given only to the primary agent, as shown in the MLSListings.
- Percentage rankings include all agents who belong to SCCAOR.
- Land, leases, and commercial listings do not qualify for the award
What are the awards that will be granted and what was used to qualify?
Top 1% = 20 Sides or at least $33,677,000 in volume
Top 3% = 13 Sides or at least $20,567,575 in volume
Top 5% = 10 Sides or at least $14,978,900 volume
Top 10% = 6 Sides or at least $8,821,000 in volume
What if I believe I qualify and my sales were miscalculated? We are very sorry. Computer systems, membership databases, and MLS systems and their users are not perfect. Here are some of the reasons that may explain qualification discrepancies:
- Transactions under multiple brokers that didn’t transfer over completely.
- Transactions originated in an MLS that was not included.
- Off MLS listings– for example, new home sales or off-market listings.
- The listing agent did not enter the correct sales agent in the transaction record. In this case, please bring sales agent proof to SCCAOR’s attention by submitting your production events@sccaor.com
If you think you should be recognized or your performance was under-reported, please email events@sccaor.com to submit proof of closed sales units and volume. MLSListings listing numbers, close date, and final closing date must be included. Emailed lists will NOT be considered. Please send proof of each transaction or a list from your company database with all closed 2024 sales.
Co-listing agents/co-selling agents counted as 1/2 credit. You must be listed as a co-listed agent in MLS on the transaction. Co-listings do not show in our calculations, so please email us the transactions so we can account for those.
Challenge submissions are now closed.
Applying for a Team Award. What if I work with other agents on a team? What if we produce more collectively than for which we have been recognized? What is our option?
- To be considered a team, agents must comply with DRE rules that outline the requirements for teams.
- Independent sales agents on a team can apply together for a 1%, 3%, 5%, or 10% award and receive it as a team. You cannot receive both an individual and a team award.
- Apply for a Team Award by adding production and qualify for a higher percentile by including production from other team members or to change your individual contribution award to a Team Award in the same percentile.