SCCAOR Endorsed Local Measures

SCCAOR Supports MEASURE S Santa Clara Valley Water District Parcel Tax 2/3 Vote

 Safe, Clean Water, and Natural Flood Protection Program. 

Measure Language: 

“Shall the measure to renew the Safe, Clean Water and Natural Flood Protection Program which ensures public health and safety by:

  • protecting the drinking water supply, dams from earthquakes and climate change; 
  • reducing pollution, toxins, and contaminants in waterways; and 
  • providing flood protection; 

by renewing Santa Clara Valley Water District’s existing parcel tax without increasing rates, averaging $.006 per square foot annually as described in Resolution 20-64 until ended by voters, raising approximately $45,500,000 annually, with qualifying senior exemption, annual audits, independent citizen oversight be adopted?”


While this is the only local ballot measure that SCCAOR has taken a position on, we encourage you to review the full list of local ballot measures.